Author: Chesco Planning
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Photo Contest Closed
From our rural open space and working agricultural lands to our urban main streets and historic buildings, we clearly have much to appreciate and be thankful for in Chester County. Our photo contest, which ended on November 25th, has been the lucky recipient of hundreds of wonderful images. Many thanks to our participants! Continue Reading →

Landscapes3 Photo Contest: Win Great Prizes!
What do you love most about Chester County? What’s your favorite place to have fun, take a walk, or just relax? We want to know, so we’ve rounded up some great prizes and have created a photo contest – Show Us Your Favorite Place in Chester County. The contest is open to anyone who lives, works, or plays in Chester County. This includes you! Continue Reading →

Landscapes3 Stakeholder Meetings Happening Now
The first series of stakeholder meetings for Landscapes3, being held as part of the #TellUsL3 phase of plan development, are well underway. We’ve gathered exceptional teams of people to provide input on the topics of Preservation, Agriculture, and Housing. We’ve also been fortunate to have members of the public join the conversation, both in person and through our topical surveys. Continue Reading →
Fall Planner Forum Recap
Earlier this month, over 40 local planners participated in our semi-annual Planner’s Forum. Planners from all disciplines networked to hear about the comprehensive plan update, creative funding opportunities, complete streets, and millennial characteristics. The presentations from the forum are now available. Continue Reading →

Introducing our new Transportation Services Director
The Planning Commission is pleased to announce the hiring of Brian Styche as the director of our Transportation Division. Brian brings over 20 years of public and private sector experience to the position. He has worked in the planning, design, funding and implementation of transportation, trails, and parks & recreation projects all across the Commonwealth. Brian is a registered Landscape Architect in PA and has memberships with the American Institute of Certified Planners and the American Society of Landscape Architects. Continue Reading →

Honoring Nancy Mohr
The Planning Commission recognized Nancy Mohr for dedicated public service to her county for over a quarter of a century at their October 12th public meeting. Nancy served on the Chester County Planning Commission from 1998-2016 where she helped develop and promote Landscapes2, the County’s comprehensive plan, and sat on the Vision Partnership Program sub-committee where she evaluated municipal requests for planning services which implements Landscapes at the local municipal level. Continue Reading →
Accomplishments: Landscapes and Landscapes2
Twenty years ago, Chester County made a choice. It chose to change – to redirect growth, to protect open space, and to revitalize its towns and communities. Have Landscapes and Landscapes2 been successful? The answer is an unequivocal yes. The citizens of Chester County, the county government, local municipalities, the business community, conservancies, and many others have worked extremely hard to improve the county.

Work on Landscapes3 to Begin
Development of Landscapes3, the update to Landscapes2, Chester County’s Comprehensive Plan, will kick-off on September 13, 2016 at the Board of County Commissioners’ meeting. Landscapes2 has served the County well since adoption in 2009, with open space preservation, urban center revitalization and municipal planning assistance through the Vision Partnership Program. See Landscapes success stories here.
Now is the time to renew the County’s vision and ensure that Chester County remains a wonderful place to live, work, travel, and play. The update will involve three phases:
#TellUsL3 – Understanding the Issues This phase will focus on gathering background data on issues and trends that will be critical to address in Landscapes3. Continue Reading →

Millennials in Chester County
On Thursday July 22, 2016, Jake Michael of the Planning Commission staff gave a presentation at the Chester County 2020 Citizen Planner Breakfast about the how local planning is adapting to meet the needs of Millennial Generation. How Chester County’s communities will adapt to the changing housing and employment needs of Millennials is become a significant planning issue, since this generation now comprises roughly a quarter of the population.
The presentation provides a lot of information that provides insights into the preferences and decisions made by this large, new cohort of our population. The primary topics include housing, education, employment and transit choices since these could significantly impact planning decisions. View presentation.

Comprehensive Plan Outreach to Municipalities
Landscapes2, Chester County’s award-winning Comprehensive Policy Plan, was adopted in 2009 to bring growth and preservation together for Chester County. Much has changed in the years since adoption, including a significant economic recession and recovery, digital and technology advances, and growth in both population numbers and diversity. These changes have had significant implications for our natural and built environment. Continue Reading →