Upcoming Urban Centers Forum to Focus on Housing

If you are a municipal official, staff member, main street manager, or consultant for one of Chester County’s municipalities, consider attending an upcoming Urban Centers Forum that will focus on fair housing, housing advocacy, housing tools, and development success stories.

The forum will take place from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. October 11 at the Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy, 335 Manor Ave., Downingtown. This free event is open to representatives of Chester County’s municipalities on behalf of the Chester County Commissioners. Though the forum is geared toward urban centers, it may be of interest to municipal officials throughout Chester County since the topic is housing. RSVP today! Continue Reading →

Join us at the October 2nd Landscapes3 Public Meeting

Join us at a public meeting on October 2 to hear details about the full draft of Landscapes3 and provide feedback. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and be held at the Chester County Intermediate Unit, 455 Boot Road, Downingtown. A dedicated public comment period will follow the meeting opening and a presentation on the plan. This will be a joint public meeting conducted by the Chester County Planning Commission board and the Landscapes3 Steering Committee.  Continue Reading →

Chester County Municipalities Move Forward with Future Plans

Congratulations to the Chester County municipalities that are moving forward with plans that will help their communities thrive.

Malvern Borough recently completed a Multimodal Transportation Study that evaluated existing issues in the borough and identified ways to improve the transportation network. Primary concerns were pedestrian travel issues, regional multimodal connections, cut-through traffic, and safety for all transportation modes. Continue Reading →

Regional Planning Agency Releases Video about Long-Range Plan

Did you know Chester County is expected to be the fastest growing county in southeastern Pennsylvania in the next 30 years? In fact, there will be 146,000 new residents and 88,000 more jobs in Chester County in the next 30 years, according to Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) estimates. The DVRPC highlighted these facts and other regional trends and forecasts in “Connections 2045 Plan for Greater Philadelphia,” a long-range plan for the region’s future. Continue Reading →