Professional planners from Chester County are invited to join us at the spring 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. April 4 at Phoenixville Borough Hall, 351 Bridge Street, Phoenixville.

Professional planners from Chester County are invited to join us at the spring 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. April 4 at Phoenixville Borough Hall, 351 Bridge Street, Phoenixville.
Apartments continued to be the most popular proposed housing type in Chester County in 2018 – a trend that started a few years ago – but there also was an increase in proposals for single-family detached homes.
Guy Ciarrocchi, president and chief executive officer at the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry (CCCBI), attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s board meeting on February 13th and discussed the role of his organization and its partnership with the county. Continue Reading →
The Chester County Association of Township Officials invites municipal officials to its 2019 spring conference from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 7 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center, 1 Liberty Blvd., Malvern. Continue Reading →
The Chester County Planning Commission released its 2018 Annual Report, which provides a recap of projects and accomplishments. Notably, the report highlights the steps the agency took to complete Landscapes3, Chester County’s new comprehensive plan. The plan will serve as a planning road map for the next 10 years, and it seeks to balance preservation and growth across the county’s landscapes through six goal areas: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, and Connect. Landscapes3 recommits to core principles that will position the county and its municipalities for success, including resource preservation, revitalized urban and suburban centers, housing diversity, transportation choices, collaboration, and resiliency. The annual report highlights examples of Landscapes3 implementation and upcoming goals toward further implementation of the plan. View the report.
From an early age, Carol Stauffer knew she wanted to have a profession in which she helped protect the environment and conserve natural resources.
She thought about being a park ranger but eventually changed her mind and pursued a planning career instead. She now has over 30 years of professional planning experience with a focus on municipal planning assistance, environmental resource protection, and infrastructure planning. Continue Reading →
The Chester County Planning Commission is pleased to announce the launch of a new webpage about grant opportunities for Chester County municipalities and organizations. This one-stop resource provides descriptions and application deadlines for a large number of grants, including community development, community planning, historic preservation, open space and the environment, transportation, and utilities and infrastructure. The webpage also notes past awards to give municipalities an idea of how likely they would be to receive one of these grants in the future. View the webpage! Continue Reading →