Author: Chesco Planning
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Natural Lands President Will Retire but Remain on Planning Commission
Molly K. Morrison, a well-known advocate for protecting and conserving open spaces, natural areas, and farmland in southeastern Pennsylvania, will be retiring from Natural Lands at the end of 2018 after 14 years as the organization’s president.
Under Molly’s leadership, Natural Lands has preserved permanently more than 32,000 acres of open space – including landmark additions to their preserve system such as Bear Creek, Bryn Coed, ChesLen, and Green Hills Preserves along with Stoneleigh: a natural garden – and elevated the organization’s focus on stewarding natural resources and connecting people to the outdoors. Continue Reading →

Forum Focuses on Current Planning Issues in Chester County
About 50 professional planners and municipal officials from the local area recently attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s fall 2018 Planners’ Forum to learn about current issues, including long-term planning at Longwood Gardens, understanding the Certified Local Government Program for historic preservation, and wayfinding signage for Chester County. Continue Reading →

Join us at Chester Valley Trail West Public Meeting
Join us for our final public meeting about the Chester Valley Trail West study on November 7 at Gateway Church, located at 160 Cowan Road in Parkesburg. There will be an open house from 6:30-7:30 p.m. where attendees can view and comment on materials from the draft plan, and at 7:30 p.m. the Planning Commission will present the highlights of the draft plan and recommendations. Register for the meeting. Continue Reading →

Officials Discuss Housing Choices in Chester County
Housing choices for all residents is becoming an important topic of discussion in Chester County these days, and developers, municipal officials and experts recently shared ideas for how to tackle this issue during the county’s Urban Centers Forum. Continue Reading →

Meet Landscapes3 Project Manager Susan Elks
For over two years, Susan Elks has been the driving force behind a plan for Chester County’s future known as Landscapes3. As the project manager, she has led efforts to develop a comprehensive plan that seeks to balance preservation with growth across the county’s landscapes through six goal areas: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, and Connect. Continue Reading →

Planning Commission Announces Grants for Chester County Municipalities
Congratulations to the Chester County municipalities that received funding through the competitive cash grant portion of the fall 2018 Vision Partnership Program (VPP) to help with future planning, including East Marlborough, Easttown, Valley, and West Caln townships. Continue Reading →

Public Meeting Slated for Schuylkill River Trail
Join Chester County’s Department of Facilities and Parks and Planning Commission at a public meeting about the Schuylkill River Trail Phase II project from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. October 17 at the East Coventry Township Municipal Building, 855 Ellis Woods Road, Pottstown. Continue Reading →

Planning Commission Recommends Commissioners Adopt Landscapes3
Landscapes3, the plan for Chester County’s future, moved another step toward completion during a public meeting Tuesday night.
After listening to limited public comments about the plan Tuesday, the Chester County Planning Commission board recommended that the Chester County Commissioners adopt Landscapes3. The Commissioners’ public hearing to consider adoption will be at 7 p.m. November 29th at Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center, 226 N. High St., West Chester. Continue Reading →

County Commissioners Commemorate Community Planning Month
At the October 2nd public Sunshine Meeting, the Chester County Commissioners presented a proclamation for National Community Planning Month, recognizing the efforts of local, county, and regional planners who manage the growth and change of Chester County, providing better choices for how residents work and live.
During the presentation of the proclamation, the Commissioners highlighted Landscapes3, the county’s next long-range comprehensive plan, as an example of community planning. Continue Reading →

Upcoming Urban Centers Forum to Focus on Housing
If you are a municipal official, staff member, main street manager, or consultant for one of Chester County’s municipalities, consider attending an upcoming Urban Centers Forum that will focus on fair housing, housing advocacy, housing tools, and development success stories.
The forum will take place from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. October 11 at the Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy, 335 Manor Ave., Downingtown. This free event is open to representatives of Chester County’s municipalities on behalf of the Chester County Commissioners. Though the forum is geared toward urban centers, it may be of interest to municipal officials throughout Chester County since the topic is housing. RSVP today! Continue Reading →