Author: Chesco Planning
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Planning Commission Welcomes New Communications Coordinator
We are very pleased to announce Elle Steinman has joined our staff as the new Communications Coordinator. Elle graduated from West Chester University in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in English Writing and Linguistics. Elle brings to the Planning Commission four years of experience working with local government, community affairs, and public communications. She is well-versed in a wide range of social media platforms and has been a contributing author to local publications. Continue Reading →
Planning Commission to Conduct Monthly Meeting
The Chester County Planning Commission will conduct its monthly meeting at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 11th. The meeting will take place in the Planning Commission offices of Suite 270, Government Services Center, 601 Westtown Road, West Chester, Pa. The public is invited to attend, and there will be an opportunity for public comment during the meeting.

Planning Commission Releases 2019 Annual Report
The Chester County Planning Commission released its 2019 Annual Report, which provides a recap of projects and accomplishments. Notably, the report highlights steps we took to begin implementing Landscapes3, Chester County’s comprehensive plan. This plan serves as a road map for the next 10 years, and it seeks to balance preservation and growth across the county’s landscapes through six goal areas: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, and Connect. During the year, the Planning Commission worked on resource preservation, urban and suburban center revitalization, housing diversity, transportation choices, collaboration, and resiliency. The annual report highlights examples of Landscapes3 implementation and upcoming initiatives toward further implementation of the plan. View the Annual Report.

Urban Center Design Guide Released
As part of Chester County’s commitment to design quality in its built environment, the Planning Commission issued a new design guide for the county’s Urban Center Landscapes. As designated on the county’s Landscapes map, Urban Center Landscapes encompass the county’s 15 boroughs, the City of Coatesville, and portions of neighboring townships that have Urban Center Landscape characteristics.

Warner Spur Multi-Use Trail Master Plan Released
The Warner Spur Multi-Use Trail Master Plan, a study funded by DVRPC’s Regional Trails Program and the William Penn Foundation, is now completed and illustrates how this route could become an active multi-use trail. The Warner Spur is a 1.95 mile-long former rail corridor owned by Tredyffrin Township that connects the Chester Valley Trail and Cedar Hollow Park to the Atwater development in East Whiteland Township. The master plan identifies what improvements would be necessary to convert the former rail spur to a multi-use trail, how much those improvements might cost, and steps for developing the trail. Working with McMahon Associates as the project consultant and Tredyffrin Township, the master plan process included significant public participation through the formation of a Plan Advisory Committee (PAC), numerous public meetings, and interviews with residents living adjacent to the Warner Spur corridor.

Planning Commission Welcomes New Graphic Arts Specialist
We are pleased to announce Ian Mix joined our staff as the new Graphics Arts Specialist earlier this month. Ian graduated Magna Cum Laude from West Chester University in 2016 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic and Interactive Design. His course work included typography, publication design, and digital design. He brings to the Planning Commission experience with print and digital layouts, brand identity, and tight deadlines. Read on to learn more about Ian.

eTools Promote Options for A+ Homes
This month’s highlighted eTools look at creating opportunities for A+ Homes in Chester County. Additional affordable, accessible, adaptable, and aging-friendly housing options can be made available through residential conversions, accessory dwelling units, housing rehabilitation, and affordable housing bonuses.

Kennett Area Freight Study Released
In November 2019, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) released the final Kennett Area Freight Transportation Study. This 2019 work program item investigated a six municipality study area in and around Kennett for ways to minimize the community impacts of freight movements and increase public safety.

Chester County Preservation Partnership Program: 2020 Grant Round Open
The Chester County Department of Parks and Open Space Preservation is now accepting applications for its Municipal and Conservancy grant programs. Applications are due on Friday, February 28, 2020 by 4 p.m.

Planning Commission Highlights New eTools
The county’s municipalities are on the front line of smart growth trying to preserve community character while responding to new development. The Planning Commission has a lot of resources to help, including eTools which cover a wide array of planning topics from natural resources to economic development. Each month we will highlight different eTools starting with Short-term Rentals, Breweries, and Mini-homes.