Kennett Area Freight Study Released

In November 2019, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) released the final Kennett Area Freight Transportation Study. This 2019 work program item investigated a six municipality study area in and around Kennett for ways to minimize the community impacts of freight movements and increase public safety.

The study recommends implementation of the following:

  • Traffic Calming Measures – Gateway treatments and high visibility pedestrian crossings to increase safety within the village environments
  • Truck Route Development – to keep trucks where they belong should be developed by a multijurisdictional working group
  • Improved Wayfinding and Signage – improvements to existing signage clarity, visibility, and location along with new, consistent signage.

The document contains a great inventory of traffic data and economic generators within the study area, particularly with the mushroom industry.

Download the study.

One Reply to “Kennett Area Freight Study Released”

  1. Charle Fleischmann

    Your graph on page 20 of the mushroom supply chain is missing the component of the materials (Mulch/mushroom hay) being delivered to the soil compost distributor. The contribution probably exceeds the Mushroom Compost to Commercial Consumers component but comprises more tractor/trailer elements.

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