Below you’ll find news and updates about Chester County’s Transportation Planning.

Below you’ll find news and updates about Chester County’s Transportation Planning.
The Environment and Infrastructure Division has completed and posted its 2019 Transportation Improvement Inventory (TII) to the Chester County Planning Commission’s website. In addition to the complete TII document, the website offers project lists by municipality, as well as legislative district. The TII is a comprehensive record of known transportation needs within Chester County. It includes proposed roadway, bridge, bicycle/pedestrian, and transit projects that have been recommended to the CCPC by municipalities and other stakeholders over time.
In November 2019, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) released the final Kennett Area Freight Transportation Study. This 2019 work program item investigated a six municipality study area in and around Kennett for ways to minimize the community impacts of freight movements and increase public safety.
Join us for our Trails, Trains and Traffic event which will feature updates on the status of trail developments, upgrades to our regional rail stations, and major roadway/highway improvement projects. This event will also serve as a public meeting for our current Active Transportation Inventory project as staff will be presenting the initial results from our review of all of Chester County’s 73 municipalities. The meeting format will include an open house followed by brief presentations on each topic and wrapping with a Q&A session to address attendee questions. Register now!
Elizabeth “Liz” Smith, assistant treasurer of strategic initiatives at Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s board meeting on Oct. 9 and discussed the role of her public transportation agency and its partnership with the county. Continue Reading →
County Planning Commission has updated its list on the status of Transportation Priority Projects. This list is updated every six months and includes highway and trail projects and public transportation. The status of the projects was last updated in August 2019.
Also, the Planning Commission updated the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program after receiving input. View both updated lists. Continue Reading →
U.S. 202, one of Chester County’s major transportation arteries, has seen a lot of changes in recent years that have benefited people who live, work and visit here thanks to the work done by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). Continue Reading →
No matter where you go in Chester County, you will find lots of people who are interested in trails. These trails provide unique experiences and places for residents and visitors to exercise and relax, and the County has been working to expand its trail system.
Chester County Commissioners Michelle Kichline, Kathi Cozzone and Terence Farrell took the opportunity to highlight the County’s growing trail network during their recent public meeting. To start out, the Commissioners adopted a resolution to signify the completion of the Chester Valley Trail West Study that was financed in part by the Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant through the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. Continue Reading →
Rob Henry, executive director of the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association (GVF), attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s board meeting on July 10th and discussed the role of his agency and its partnership with the county. Continue Reading →
These days, people crave the ability to walk and bike places. They don’t want to get in their cars every time they need to go somewhere.
During the development of the county’s new comprehensive plan, Landscapes3, Chester County residents identified the need for more bicycle and pedestrian facilities in their communities. These facilities provide residents with greater mobility, multimodal transportation options, and additional recreational options all leading to the development of healthier communities. Continue Reading →
Chester County Planning Commission Transportation Planner Brian Donovan was recently recognized as a “Top Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Professional under 40” by the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association (GVF). Continue Reading →