Author: Chesco Planning
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Stay Tuned for Details on Vision Partnership Program
The Chester County Planning Commission anticipates applications for the first round of Vision Partnership Program (VPP) cash grants for 2019 will be accepted from mid-May until the end of June. This program provides funds to municipalities for comprehensive plans, ordinance updates, or planning studies to implement Landscapes3, Chester County’s comprehensive plan.

Join us at Chester County Open Space Summit
Celebrate 30 years of open space preservation in Chester County! The inaugural Chester County Open Space Summit will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, May 2 at the Lenfest Center at ChesLen Preserve, 1199 Cannery Road, Coatesville. The event will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the county’s open space preservation program and recognize the economic benefits of these efforts. The results of a study, Return on Environment: The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Chester County, will be announced at the event. The report highlights the proven and substantial economic, environmental, and public health benefits of open space preservation to surrounding communities. Register online. Continue Reading →

Natural Lands President Oliver Bass Attends Planning Commission Board Meeting
Oliver Bass, president of Natural Lands, highlighted his regional land conservation organization and its partnership with Chester County during a Chester County Planning Commission board meeting April 10th.
Bass said the 65-year-old nonprofit organization “saves open space, cares for nature, and connects people to the outdoors in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.” The organization has been around since the early 1950s thanks to Allston Jenkins, an accountant who took up birding as a hobby.

Brandywine Conservancy Director Ellen Ferretti Attends Planning Commission Board Meeting
Ellen Ferretti, director of the Brandywine Conservancy, highlighted her organization and its partnership with Chester County during a Chester County Planning Commission board meeting March 13th.
The Brandywine Conservancy was founded in 1967 as the Tri-County Conservancy serving Chester and Delaware counties and New Castle County, Delaware. It is based in Chadds Ford, Delaware County.

Meet New Planning Commission Board Member Stephanie Duncan
Every month, the Planning Commission highlights one of its staff or board members.
The Chester County Commissioners recently appointed Stephanie Duncan as the newest member of the Planning Commission’s board. Stephanie, the secretary/treasurer for the Borough of South Coatesville, discussed her new role at the Planning Commission and also shared information about her life philosophy, interests, and more.
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Planning Commission Provides Tips on How to Implement Landscapes3
If you’re a municipal official in Chester County who is wondering how you can implement Landscapes3, the county’s newly adopted comprehensive plan, the Chester County Planning Commission has suggestions for ways to do that through your ordinances that strengthen preservation, encourage smart growth, and improve the character of new development.

Professional Planners Invited to Chester County Planners' Forum
Professional planners from Chester County are invited to join us at the spring 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. April 4 at Phoenixville Borough Hall, 351 Bridge Street, Phoenixville.

Planning Commission Sheds Light on 2018 Housing Trends
Apartments continued to be the most popular proposed housing type in Chester County in 2018 – a trend that started a few years ago – but there also was an increase in proposals for single-family detached homes.

CCCBI President and CEO Guy Ciarrocchi Attends Planning Commission Board Meeting
Guy Ciarrocchi, president and chief executive officer at the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry (CCCBI), attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s board meeting on February 13th and discussed the role of his organization and its partnership with the county. Continue Reading →
CCATO Invites Municipal Officials to Spring Conference
The Chester County Association of Township Officials invites municipal officials to its 2019 spring conference from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 7 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center, 1 Liberty Blvd., Malvern. Continue Reading →