New FEMA Floodplain Maps Are Available for Chester County

Portions of Chester County were restudied by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and floodplain maps have been updated and finalized. Property owners in or near the floodplain should obtain information regarding how the new FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) may affect their property, flood insurance requirements and costs, if a policy is required. Property owners who are newly designated in the floodplain may be eligible to receive a discount on their new policy, if purchased prior to the maps going final on Sept. 29, 2017. 

To determine if your property may be affected, please check FEMA’s Municipal List and see if your property is located in a municipality on this list. If so, FEMA made changes to the floodplain boundary, but may not have updated all the floodplain boundaries in the municipality. The next step is to check one of the links below to a floodplain map.

  • Property owners can view the changes made to the FEMA floodplain maps on an interactive map here (includes new base flood elevations).
  • To view a simple map that shows only the new FEMA 100-year floodplain here (effective 9/29/2017), visit here.
  • To view a detailed map with the new flood zones and the parcel boundaries, please visit ChescoViews. Click on “Find” in the toolbar to enter your address. Click on “TOC” and click on the “Flood Risk Mapping” to see the FEMA floodplain boundaries (effective 9/29/2017).

Contact Dani-Ella Betz from Chester County Water Resources Authority at 610-344-5400 or with any questions or if you need assistance using the online map tools.