Upcoming Urban Centers Forum to Focus on Housing

If you are a municipal official, staff member, main street manager, or consultant for one of Chester County’s municipalities, consider attending an upcoming Urban Centers Forum that will focus on fair housing, housing advocacy, housing tools, and development success stories.

The forum will take place from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. October 11 at the Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy, 335 Manor Ave., Downingtown. This free event is open to representatives of Chester County’s municipalities on behalf of the Chester County Commissioners. Though the forum is geared toward urban centers, it may be of interest to municipal officials throughout Chester County since the topic is housing. RSVP today! Continue Reading →

Exploring Housing Trends in Chester County

If home is where the heart is, the heart of Chester County housing these days is multifamily homes, particularly apartments.

There were nearly 3,000 multifamily units proposed in 2016, which was an increase of approximately 1,000 since 2015. In particular, there was a drastic increase in the apartment development proposals over the past year. There were 2,231 apartment units proposed in 2016 compared to 1,150 in 2015.  Continue Reading →

Landscapes3 Stakeholder Meetings Happening Now

The first series of stakeholder meetings for Landscapes3, being held as part of the #TellUsL3 phase of plan development, are well underway.  We’ve gathered exceptional teams of people to provide input on the topics of Preservation, Agriculture, and Housing.  We’ve also been fortunate to have members of the public join the conversation, both in person and through our topical surveys.  Continue Reading →