Author: Chesco Planning
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Planning Commission Releases Phoenixville Region Multimodal Transportation Plan
The Chester County Planning Commission released the Phoenixville Region Multimodal Transportation Plan, which will serve as a guiding document for bicycle and pedestrian amenities in the Phoenixville region. The plan identifies potential capital improvements and programming initiatives to increase the safety and efficiency of the transportation network regardless of age, ability, or mode of travel. View the plan.

Planning Commission Releases Annual Housing Report
Looking for a snapshot of housing conditions in Chester County? The Chester County Planning Commission recently released its annual Housing Report for 2017, which documented increases in housing prices, sales, and construction numbers. Continue Reading →

Planning Commission Welcomes New Community Planner
The Planning Commission welcomed a new employee in June: Community Planner Kate Clark.
Kate began working for the agency on June 25. As a community planner in the Planning Services Division, Kate will be working to implement Landscapes2 (and eventually Landscapes3) through direct assistance to municipalities. Through the Vision Partnership Program and other efforts, the Planning Services Division assists municipalities with comprehensive planning, regulatory updates, and special studies. Continue Reading →

Seeking Input on New and Revised Landscapes3 Elements
Interested in providing input on Chester County’s future? The Chester County Planning Commission has released drafts of new and revised components of Landscapes3, the county’s next comprehensive plan, and is seeking input by July 31. Continue Reading →

Second Round of Vision Partnership Program Grants Opens
The second round of the Vision Partnership Program (VPP) planning grants for 2018 opened today (June 25). Through VPP, Chester County municipalities are eligible for funds to assist their communities with comprehensive planning, ordinance updates, and other studies. The 2018 VPP Grant Manual and application materials are available online. Pre-application meetings are strongly encouraged, and can be scheduled by contacting Chester County Planning Commission Planning Services Director Susan Elks at The deadline to apply is Aug. 15. Learn more about the VPP process, as well as projects funded previously through the program.

Planning Commission Tours Coatesville Revitalization Sites
Have you heard about the exciting projects that are underway in the City of Coatesville? The Chester County Planning Commission recently toured the city to get a better understanding of these ongoing opportunities and revitalization projects. Continue Reading →

Interactive Map Highlights Projects in Coatesville
The City of Coatesville is forging a bright future with many exciting public and private projects underway. In order to highlight and promote these projects, this past spring the Coatesville 2nd Century Alliance and the Chester County Planning Commission created an online interactive map. This resource can be found on the 2nd Century Alliance website. The resource is for public use, but it is also intended to inform and attract investors considering development in Coatesville. Continue Reading →

Join in the Town Tours and Village Walks
The 24th summer of Chester County’s Town Tours & Village Walks will begin on June 14 at the Chester County Historical Society in West Chester. The theme of this year’s series is exploring the county’s roots of industry and innovation. There will be 10 more free tours this summer, mainly every Thursday night. The free summer strolls will take place in historic neighborhoods, hamlets, villages, and sites throughout Chester County. Continue Reading →

Census Data Shows Population Increases in Municipalities
Based on the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, Chester County grew by over 20,000 residents from 2010 to 2017, an increase of 4 percent. In terms of numerical population increases, Chester County ranked fourth in the state, behind Philadelphia, Montgomery and Lancaster counties. Clearly the population growth is concentrating in the southeastern part of the state. Continue Reading →

Municipalities Receive Grants for Future Planning
Congratulations to the Chester County municipalities that received funding through the competitive cash grant portion of the spring 2018 Vision Partnership Program (VPP) to help with future planning, Continue Reading →