Author: Chesco Planning
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Meet our Communications Specialist
Every month, the Planning Commission highlights one of its staff or board members. Did you ever wonder who interviews them? Meet Communications Specialist Danielle M. Lynch, a former journalist who has been with us for two and a half years. Danielle shares her journey to the Planning Commission and also discusses her life philosophy, interests, and more.

Join in the Town Tours and Village Walks
The 25th summer of Chester County’s Town Tours and Village Walks program will begin on June 13 at the historic Church of the Holy Trinity in West Chester. The theme of this year’s series is exploring the county’s villages “Then and Now.” There will be 10 more tours this summer – every Thursday night. Back by popular demand, two fall supper lectures have been added during October and December. The free summer strolls will take place in historic neighborhoods, hamlets, villages, and sites throughout Chester County. These events are sponsored by the Chester County Commissioners through the Chester County Planning Commission and its partners, including Westtown Township, the Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau, the Chester County Historic Preservation Network, the Chester County Historical Society, and other local participating municipalities. View more information about the tours or contact Chester County Heritage Preservation Coordinator Karen Marshall at for a brochure.

Transportation Planner Receives Award
Chester County Planning Commission Transportation Planner Brian Donovan was recently recognized as a “Top Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Professional under 40” by the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association (GVF). Continue Reading →

CCEDC President and CEO Gary Smith Attends Planning Commission Board Meeting
Gary W. Smith, president and chief executive officer of the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s board meeting on May 8th and discussed the role of his organization and its partnership with the county. Continue Reading →

Chester County Historic Preservation Network Celebrates 30th Anniversary
May is Preservation Month, a great time to recognize the Chester County Historic Preservation Network (CCHPN), which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Continue Reading →

Meet Planning Commission Board Vice Chairman Doug Fasick
Every month, the Planning Commission highlights one of its staff or board members. Doug Fasick is the board’s vice chairman and has served on the board since June 2010. Doug, an Oxford resident and chiropractor, discussed how he arrived at the Planning Commission and also shared information about his life philosophy, interests, and more.

Vision Partnership Program Relaunched!
We are pleased to relaunch the Vision Partnership Program! This planning grant program will be a critical tool in implementing Landscapes3 across Chester County’s municipalities. Multiple changes were made to the program to better implement Landscapes3, so we are requiring municipal attendance at one of two upcoming meetings at the Government Services Center for first cycle applicants: 1 p.m. May 15 and 10 a.m. May 30. Check out all the details. Please contact Community Planning Director and VPP Grant Administrator Susan Elks at 610-344-6285 or with questions. The deadline to apply is June 28, 2019.

Chester County Unveils Return on Environment Report during Open Space Summit
While surrounded by the rolling fields and wildlife at the ChesLen Preserve, Chester County officials – along with representatives from municipalities, land conservation organizations, and economic development agencies – celebrated the 30th anniversary of open space preservation and the economic benefits of these efforts during an Open Space Summit May 2.
As part of the summit, the Chester County Commissioners announced results of a study, Return on Environment: The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Chester County, and unveiled a video about the report. The video highlighted the valuable economic, environmental, and public health benefits that open space preservation has provided to Chester County for the past three decades.

Census Bureau Releases 2018 County Population Estimates
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released the 2018 official estimate of the county’s population. Chester County had 522,046 people in 2018, a 3,112 person increase from 2017. Chester County had the highest rate of growth in Southeastern Pennsylvania since 2010 and over the past year.

Forum Highlights Planning Issues in Chester County
Over 50 professional planners recently attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s seventh semi-annual Planners’ Forum to learn about topics ranging from revitalization efforts and affordable housing in Phoenixville to progress on the Schuylkill River Trail.