Meet Landscapes3 Steering Committee Member Deirdre Flemming

Deirdre Flemming, an East Brandywine resident, is one of the Landscapes3 Steering Committee members. Flemming co-owns Two Gander Farm in East Brandywine with her husband.

As a steering committee member, she will bring expertise in the area of co-owning and operating a United States Department of Agriculture certified organic produce business that grows food for a 100-plus member CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), local restaurants, retail stores, and for a prominent Philadelphia area farmers’ market. Flemming said she grows on 10 acres of leased land that is nested within a 262-acre preserve owned by the Brandywine Conservancy. Flemming said she and her husband are actively demonstrating how preserved farmland can be utilized to increase local food access, improve community health and quality of life, and protect natural resources through regenerative agriculture.  

“As a Chester County resident and farmer, I look forward to working with fellow steering committee members and (the county’s Planning Commission) staff on making meaningful contributions to the development of the visions, goals, and recommendations that will help to shape Landscapes3,” Flemming said.

For more information about Flemming, click here and here.

The Chester County Commissioners established the steering committee in late June as part the development of the county’s next comprehensive plan. The steering committee started meeting this fall to create the plan’s vision and goals.