eTools Support Aging and Accessibility

This month’s highlighted eTools look at different ways to support people of all ages and abilities. Aging in Place and Age-restricted Housing focus specifically on housing options for older populations while Universal Design for Residential Uses and Universal Design for Public Spaces accommodates all ages and abilities.

Aging in Place is the ability to live in one’s own home safely, independently, and comfortably regardless of age, income, or ability.  Residents are able to stay in their homes through assistance with transportation, cleaning and cooking, home maintenance, and through visits from health care workers.

Age-restricted Housing is designed for residents above a specified age and may offer a continuum of care as the resident ages.  This housing option offers the benefits of low or no maintenance housing, supportive amenities, and provides the opportunity for seniors to stay in their community as their needs change.

Universal design is a technique which creates public and private spaces for equal access by individuals of all ages and abilities. Universal Design for Residential Uses demonstrates how features can be incorporated into private homes and residential facilities to facilitate aging in place and for those with disabilities and mobility issues. Universal Design for Public Spaces looks at how these design features can be incorporated into both exterior and interior public spaces.

The Planning Commission’s eTools cover a wide array of planning topics ranging from natural resources to economic development.  The eTools are an easy read, providing a quick overview of each topic, a brief explanation of how it works, and considerations in addressing the topic or regulating the use.  An alphabetical listing of eTools is available in our Municipal Corner.