County Announces Important Updates to ‘Restore Chester County’

On December 4, the Chester County Commissioners and the Chester County COVID-19 Business Task Force announced an important update to the “Restore Chester County” website, which will provide the county’s businesses and residents with further “action steps” in order to help recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Upon entering the updated website, visitors will be presented with links to the new action steps, as well as the county’s current economic conditions, best business practices, and industry support. Visitors can find further information and guidance broken down into 21 specific industry sectors – ranging from agriculture, office settings, and retail, to schools, religious organizations, and sports & recreation.

Since its launch in May, has provided COVID-19 public health and safety guidance for Chester County’s 15,000-plus businesses and 525,000-plus residents. Many of these businesses have shared their stories, and they can be read on the website for others to use as guidance.

In addition to the ongoing review and update of, the COVID-19 Business Task Force is focusing on the long-term development of Chester County’s economic recovery strategy.

To learn more about the recent update, check out the official press release here: