Borough of Parkesburg Partners with CCPC to Develop New Comprehensive Plan

The Borough of Parkesburg adopted a new comprehensive plan at their Borough Council meeting on October 19, 2020 through unanimous vote by Council. The new plan identifies five key priorities: community amenities and resources; circulation, connectivity and safety; economic development and revitalization; borough services and infrastructure; and land use and community character.

To facilitate the plan update, Parkesburg formed a task force consisting of members of Council and the Borough Planning Commission, as well as local business owners and residents. The task force spent significant time reviewing materials, developing actions, and ensuring that community members were engaged in the process.

More than 200 residents participated in the plan’s development by attending open houses held in January and June of 2019. Attendees were able to provide valuable feedback and input that was used to help guide the plan. The adopted plan sets a vision for the Borough’s future and details actions through text, photos, conceptual renderings, and mapping.

Development of Parkesburg’s new plan was funded through cost-sharing between the Borough and the County. Chester County’s Vision Partnership Program (VPP) provided 70% of the project’s funding, with the Borough providing the balance. As a Technical Services Contract, the project’s consulting services were provided by Community Planning Division staff from the Chester County Planning Commission. Led by Mark Gallant, Senior Community Planner, the project also involved Kevin Myers, Urban Planner, Kate Clark, Community Planner, and the graphic expertise of the Design and Technology Division.

“If you’re looking to update your comprehensive plan, I cannot recommend enough the Vision Partnership Program offered by the Chester County Planning Commission. Our collaboration with them has been a positive experience from start to finish. They streamlined the massive undertaking of creating a comprehensive plan with efficiency and professionalism,” commented Todd Brade, Borough Council and Task Force member.

The County Planning Commission was pleased to help Parkesburg map a future for the Borough that reflects the input of residents and businesses. Parkesburg is passionate about their resources and made sure community members were engaged throughout plan development, which adds to the strength and specificity of the plan,” noted Community Planning Director Susan Elks.

To learn more about the Borough of Parkesburg and their new plan, visit