Officials Create Pipeline Response Information

The Chester County Department of Emergency Services has prepared an overview of the response to a pipeline incident by local and county public safety officials. Exact actions taken during a pipeline incident will vary greatly based on the specific situation. To check out the information, click here.

For additional pipeline safety tips, visit the Chester County Pipeline Information Center.

Planning Commission Analyzes Landscapes3 Public Survey Results

Now that the Landscapes3 public survey has closed, the Planning Commission has begun to analyze the responses of nearly 6,000 participants.

Participants provided a total of 9,500 comments. The Planning Commission also received a lot of input through the electronic map feature, which was on the final screen of the survey. About 13,000 markers were placed on the map of Chester County, which included about 6,700 “thumbs up” icons that indicated positive feedback about places in the county.  Continue Reading →

Second Round of Vision Partnership Program Grants Opens

We are pleased to announce the second round of 2017 Vision Partnership Program (VPP) planning grants opened July 5. Through VPP, Chester County municipalities are eligible for funds to assist their communities with comprehensive planning, ordinance updates, and other studies.

The 2017 VPP Grant Manual and application materials are available online. Pre-application meetings are strongly encouraged, and can be scheduled by contacting Planning Services Director Susan Elks at The deadline to apply is Aug. 30, 2017.  Continue Reading →

Chester County Commissioners Establish Landscapes3 Steering Committee

The Chester County Board of Commissioners announced this week the next step in the Landscapes3 process — the creation of a steering committee to guide the development of the new county comprehensive plan.

The steering committee will be co-chaired by three Chester County leaders representing key sectors of the county’s drive to balance growth and preservation: Chris Alonzo, president of Pietro Industries and chair of the Chester County Agricultural Development Council; Matthew Hammond, P.E., executive vice president of Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. and chair of the Chester County Planning Commission; and Molly Morrison, president of Natural Lands and a member of the Chester County Planning Commission.  Continue Reading →

Commercial Landscapes Series Released

The Planning Commission debuted its recently completed Commercial Landscapes series at an event featuring experts who shared ways for municipalities, developers, and consultants to better position themselves for economic development success. The series includes four reports that discuss how current trends are affecting office parks, retail, brownfield, and train station areas throughout the county and provides recommendations for the continued health of our commercial landscapes.  Continue Reading →

Final Call to Participate in Landscapes3 Public Survey

Have we heard from you?

We have heard from over 5,000 people through our Landscapes3 public survey, helping guide the future of Chester County, but we are looking for even more participation. If you haven’t already, please share your priorities and preferences for Chester County’s future in the survey, and spread the word to friends, family, and co-workers by clicking here.

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FEMA to Discuss New Floodplain Maps at Open House

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has updated the Chester County Flood Insurance Rate Maps to revise floodplain boundaries for the Octoraro, Brandywine, Red Clay and White Clay Creek watersheds. These changes to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps are final and go into effect Sept. 29, 2017.

Stop by the FEMA Open House and FEMA staff will show property owners the revised floodplain boundary mapping, explain what it means and answer questions. This event will take place from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. July 20 in Room 171 of the Chester County Government Services Center, 601 Westtown Road, West Chester.  Continue Reading →

Take our Survey!

The Chester County Planning Commission has some exciting news to share as it continues to advance development of Landscapes3, the next comprehensive plan for the county, with the help of partners, stakeholders, and the public. As part of this process, the agency released a public survey today to gather additional input about the plan from county residents and anyone interested in the future of Chester County.

“Public input is critical for making Landscapes3 the best plan possible,” said Chester County Planning Commission Executive Director Brian O’Leary. “Your input will help determine the vision and priorities for the county.”

The survey seeks to gather feedback on several issues, including growth, open space and environment, sense of place, modern infrastructure, transportation, the economy, healthy lifestyles, and housing options. It will be available to the public for about a month. Click here to participate in the survey.