Chester County Commissioners Establish Landscapes3 Steering Committee

The Chester County Board of Commissioners announced this week the next step in the Landscapes3 process — the creation of a steering committee to guide the development of the new county comprehensive plan.

The steering committee will be co-chaired by three Chester County leaders representing key sectors of the county’s drive to balance growth and preservation: Chris Alonzo, president of Pietro Industries and chair of the Chester County Agricultural Development Council; Matthew Hammond, P.E., executive vice president of Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. and chair of the Chester County Planning Commission; and Molly Morrison, president of Natural Lands and a member of the Chester County Planning Commission. 

“I want to thank the county commissioners and the residents of Chester County for the opportunity to serve as co-chair of the Landscapes3 Steering Committee,” said Hammond. “I am excited to serve in this role and look forward to working hand in hand with the commissioners, stakeholders and the public to ensure Chester County continues to be the best place to live, work and connect in the United States for generations to come.”

Alonzo was equally pleased with being named a co-chair of the steering committee.

“It was an honor being named one of the three co-chairs by the commissioners,” said Alonzo. “With three chairs instead of one there will be more ideas, conversations and collaboration.”

The development of the Landscapes3 plan will begin this fall, following the comprehensive public input process that includes a citizen survey, and is anticipated to take 18 months. It will update and replace Landscapes2, the current award-winning, long-range policy plan that is the basis for such initiatives as revitalized urban centers and protected farmland and open spaces – issues clearly identified as important to citizens in the last survey undertaken in 2007.

“Renewing …Landscapes allows us to strengthen our commitment to a place of protected natural areas, productive agricultural lands, and high quality streams,” said Morrison.

The public is invited to participate in the comprehensive plan update process through a series of activities, including the public opinion survey (closing June 30th), a series of outreach events throughout the county, online commenting, and a public meeting and second photo contest planned for this fall. Steering committee meetings will be held throughout the county and are open to the public.

Click here to read more about the commissioners’ announcement.

Click here to check out the list of steering committee members.