VPP Technical Service Projects Wrap Up

The Chester County Planning Commission was pleased to assist North Coventry Township and Franklin Township through the technical services side of the Vision Partnership Program (VPP) with two recent projects. The VPP provides grants to Chester County municipalities and multi-municipal groups seeking to improve planning programs while achieving consistency with and implementation of Landscapes3. In 2018 North Coventry was awarded a VPP technical services grant for a comprehensive plan update, while Franklin Township was provided a grant for assistance with a land use analysis. As with all technical service grants, planning commission staff  acted as the consultant to the municipality.

Adopted in November 2019, the North Coventry Comprehensive Plan includes focused recommendations in the areas of recreation/open space/natural resources, connectivity, commercial/economic development, township services, and future land use. Public outreach during development of the plan included a survey, stakeholder interviews, a public workshop with hands-on exercises, and regular task force meetings devoted to the plan. The project was funded by North Coventry Township and the County.  View the plan.

Franklin Township retained the services of the Chester County Planning Commission for a smaller scale project in mid-2019, focused on an analysis of land use and zoning provisions. This project was limited in scope and schedule, and is now complete. The project was funded by Franklin Township and the County.

If your municipality is interested in learning more about the technical service side of VPP, please contact Grant Administrator and Community Planning Director Susan Elks at 610-344-6285 or selks@chesco.org.