Updates from East Bradford Township

Vince Pompo, Chair of East Bradford Township’s Board of Supervisors, along with Rich Phifer, the township’s Director of Property and Recreation, recently attended the Chester County Planning Commission’s April Board meeting to provide an update on recent planning successes in East Bradford Township.

Their presentation demonstrated how strong planning can lead to exemplary results, with much of the township preserved as open space and growth focused in appropriate locations.  To illustrate these successes, they described recent efforts and funding behind their Plum Run Corridor initiative, which includes a trail, riparian corridor plantings, and improvements to the Strode’s Barn located in the Strode’s Mill Historic District. All of these projects are included in the Plum Run Corridor Master Plan (2019), which was funded with a Vision Partnership Program grant.

When completed, the Plum Run Trail will serve to connect West Chester University’s Robert B. Gordon Natural Area to the historic Strode’s Barn, as well as other local connections.

The Strode’s Barn will become the site of an outdoor heritage center featuring educational interpretation on the history of the area, as well as its relation to the Battle of Brandywine. Down the road, the township plans to connect the trail to the Brandywine Trail and greenway, which will result in safer pedestrian-friendly access along the Lenape Road corridor.

Pompo and Phifer noted that East Bradford Township has been able to pursue these projects through trail planning, easements, and cooperation with a developer to acquire additional space for parking and other amenities.

Funding for the projects comes through various grants, including the county’s Vision Partnership Program (VPP) and Preservation Partnership Program (PPP). The township is also working closely with partner organizations such as the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance.

Through these efforts, East Bradford Township hopes to advance their multi-modal connectivity, green corridors, community connections, pedestrian and bike safety, and access to parks and open space.

The Strode’s Barn Heritage Center is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

To learn more, follow East Bradford Township on social media and visit their website at https://www.eastbradford.org/.