New Vision Partnership Awards

Funding has been awarded to seven municipal projects in the first round of the Vision Partnership Program (VPP) for 2020, which will help advance community projects such as comprehensive plans, ordinance updates, and other planning studies. Demand was high this grant cycle, with over $368,000 in support requested. Due to rollover funds from past cycles and projects coming in under budget, more $200,000 was available for projects, which enabled grants to multiple, but not all, applicants.

Awards were provided for Coatesville (zoning ordinance update), East Nantmeal Township (historic resource survey), London Britain Township (subdivision and land development ordinance update), Malvern (comprehensive plan), Phoenixville (comprehensive plan), West Bradford Township (open space, recreation, and environmental resources plan), and West Grove (comprehensive plan). The awarded projects will help these communities address existing challenges and identify their future visions and actions to achieve those, all within a context of public and stakeholder engagement.

Projects are anticipated to kick-off later in 2020. Congratulations to these seven municipalities on their planning project awards!