Landscapes3 Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary

Just over two years ago, on November 29, 2018, the Chester County Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt the long-awaited Landscapes3 – Chester County’s newly updated comprehensive plan. The updated plan provides an outline for what the county is expected to look like by the year 2045. Within the plan are six goal areas – preserve, protect, appreciate, live, prosper, and connect  – each of which speaks to, and serves to protect, the county’s natural features, landscape, and quality of life.

The plan was guided by the Chester County Planning Commission’s nine-member volunteer advisory board, as well as a 27-member steering committee. It was updated from the original Landscapes plan (which was adopted more than 20 years ago), as well as its successor, Landscapes2.

The update was a collaborative process that took nearly three years, many meetings and presentations, and feedback from more than 6,000 survey respondents.

Over the course of the last two years, Landscapes3 has been implemented through a variety of projects, initiatives, and successes across Chester County.

As we celebrate the two-year anniversary of the adoption of Landscapes3, we invite you to take a look back at some successes from 2019 (the plan’s first full year) with us.

To learn more, visit