CCPC Staff News – Happy Retirement, Marie!

The Chester County Planning Commission’s long-time Information Specialist, Marie Celii, will be retiring as of Friday, March 12, 2021. After 18 years with the Planning Commission, we thank Marie for her dedication and time spent to planning and the future of Chester County. Her smiling face will surely be missed!

As part of the Office Administration and Communications team, some of Marie’s daily activities included assisting the public with information and answering questions, providing aerial photography, completing municipal information updates, creating various contact lists (which helped to streamline snail mail to electronic mail), and many other general office duties.

Marie started her career with the Planning Commission in the spring of 2003. Some of her favorite tasks over the years included streamlining municipal reports within the department and other agencies, as well as being a part of the Planning Commission staff and working alongside other professionals and county departments.

The Planning Commission’s Executive Director, Brian O’Leary, noted some of Marie’s accomplishments during her time with the organization. “Marie played an important role here at the Planning Commission each day, and she was also instrumental in major projects such as the update of Landscapes2 and Landscapes3,” he commented. “We are very thankful for her time spent with us, and we certainly wish her all the best.”

Upon her retirement, Marie looks forward to working outside in her flower garden. When asked what advice she’d like to share, Marie replied with the simple, yet significant message of, “Appreciate life one day at a time.”

Best of luck in all of your feature endeavors, Marie!