Planning Commission Releases Interactive Circuit Trails Status Map

Trails are more important now than ever. In fact, due to COVID-19, many of Chester County’s trails have seen an increase in use over the past year, with some averaging more than fifty-percent.

The Chester County Planning Commission helps to advance the Circuit Trail network, the Greater Philadelphia’s multi-use trail network, by conducting feasibility studies and providing ongoing support for trail development within municipalities throughout the county. Additionally, the Planning Commission actively tracks the status of the current Circuit Trail projects in and around Chester County in order to share information with the public and facilitate a unified trail network.

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2020 Census

Did you know that each person counted in the 2020 Census – including newborns and children – brings in just over $2,000 to the community, every year, for ten years? Now more than ever, a total count of our county’s population is crucial. While Chester County’s overall response rate is good, there are still some areas with lower response rates. If you have already completed the census, help encourage others to do the same! If you have not completed the census, please go to and do so as soon as possible.

The Chester County Commissioners, Marian Moskowitz, Josh Maxwell, and Michelle Kichline, have prepared videos referencing some of the areas with lower response rates across the region. View the videos.

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Chester County and West Whiteland Township Partner to Create Trail Connecting Exton Train Station to Chester Valley Trail

Official construction to create the new multi-use path connecting the Exton Train Station to the Chester Valley Trail, located along Route 100 in West Whiteland Township, is well underway!

The new asphalt path will accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle traffic and allow a safe passageway for pedestrians to get from the Exton Train Station (on Walkertown Road) to the entrance of the Chester Valley Trail on Commerce Drive (Main Street at Exton).

The project will be completed in two phases, with the first phase connecting Exton Train Station to Bartlett Avenue, and the second phase connecting Bartlett Avenue to the Chester Valley Trail.

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Planning Commission Holds Public Meeting for Southern Chester County Circuit Trail Feasibility Study

On Tuesday, July 14, the Chester County Planning Commission held a public meeting discussing the Southern Chester County Circuit Trail Feasibility Study via Zoom from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.

There were 165 people in attendance, with great public feedback and participation among attendees. The meeting was also live-streamed via the Planning Commission’s Facebook page, where the “event” piqued interest from an additional 45 potential trail users.

During the meeting, project manager for the study, Rachael Griffith, provided an overview of the project, including potential trail alignments and feedback received from the public so far. Attendees contributed to the discussion as well, especially regarding the trail’s potential use and location. Additional break-out sessions were facilitated by Planning Commission staff in order for attendees to take a deeper dive into specific discussion areas.

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July’s Featured eTool is Adaptive Reuse

Chester County’s rich cultural heritage is evident through many of the historic structures and buildings that still exist today. One of the ways this is possible is through the process of adaptive reuse, which is this month’s highlighted eTool.

Adaptive reuse is the process of repurposing buildings to address present-day needs and modern functions. The new functions are not what the building may have originally been intended or used for, however they are sensitive to the building’s character-defining features.

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