2020 Census Update

The 2020 Census is well underway, and as of April 26, 2020, Chester County has a response rate of 63.8%. While this number is higher than the current response rates of both the state (54.8%), and the country (53.4%), it’s not as high as it could be – so we want to be sure to keep it up!

The final self-response rate for Chester County in 2010 was 75.6%, and this time around we hope to do better, as a total population count is extremely important for the future of our communities. The results of this once-a-decade occurrence will help to determine where billions of dollars of federal funding go each year for the next decade, including in response to natural disasters or emergencies, like our current COVID-19 situation. The census data also helps guide where new schools are needed, where roads should to be built, and how much funding belongs in programs such as housing assistance for older adults.

The 2020 census is easy! It can be done online, over the phone, or by U.S. mail – and it takes just about ten minutes to complete. When you respond to the census, your answers are kept anonymous and 100% confidential by law. Census workers are currently unable to mail physical copies to Post Office boxes (or P.O. boxes), so we highly recommend that all residents with P. O. boxes fill out the census online, using the option on the website that allows those without a Census ID number to fill out the form.  Those who have not completed the Census and who have access to the internet should fill out the census at  https://www.2020census.gov/ even if they do not have an official Census ID number.

We strongly encourage everyone involved with promoting the 2020 Census to review the detailed schedule update at: https://2020census.gov/en/news-events/operational-adjustments-covid-19.html. To learn more about the 2020 Census and the current response rates, visit https://2020census.gov/en.html.