The U.S. Census Bureau recently released the 2018 official estimate of the county’s population. Chester County had 522,046 people in 2018, a 3,112 person increase from 2017. Chester County had the highest rate of growth in Southeastern Pennsylvania since 2010 and over the past year.
This new data also indicated that Chester County grew by over 22,913 people (4.6 percent) since 2010, giving it the fourth largest numerical increase in population of any county in the state. Philadelphia, Montgomery, and Lancaster counties were the only in the state that experienced larger population increases since 2010. This finding demonstrates an eight-year trend in which Southeastern Pennsylvania counties are undergoing substantial growth. Meanwhile, 47 of the state’s 67 counties, mostly in the central and western regions, lost population over the last eight years.
View more information on the Census Bureau’s recent population estimates.
View more data related to Chester County.